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Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 307(1): 141-154, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37084232


This study explores for the first time the shape, volume, and configuration of nasal cavity structures of the endangered Patagonian huemul deer via computed tomography (CT). Three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions derived from data sets obtained from five Patagonian huemul deer skulls were analyzed. Using semiautomatic segmentation, 3D models were created of all the sinus compartments and nasal conchae. Volumetric measurements were taken of seven sinus compartments. The Patagonian huemul deer has a wide, large nasal cavity, with an osseous nasal aperture typical of cervids and a choana with characteristics that differentiate it from the pudu and roe deer. It also has six nasal meatuses and three nasal conchae, with the ventral nasal concha having the greatest volume and surface, which given its extension ensures a greater ability to humidify and heat the air. Further analysis showed the complex system of paranasal sinuses to be characterized by a rostroventral and interconnected group, where communication with the nasal cavity is common through the nasomaxillary opening, and a caudodorsal group that communicates with the nasal cavity through openings in the nasal meatuses. Our study of the endangered Patagonian huemul deer documents an intricate, and in some nasal cavity structures, unique morphological construction which may predispose it to higher rates of sinonasal afflictions due largely to its nasal complex anatomy, thus affecting its high cultural value.

Cervos , Seios Paranasais , Animais , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Conchas Nasais , Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico por imagem , Crânio , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Tomografia
Anat Histol Embryol ; 51(6): 728-739, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35946781


Studies of the normal skull anatomy of the Patagonian Huemul deer are scarce. Currently, the findings of bone lesions in the skull associated with metabolic imbalances are frequent in the literature. The objective of this study was to provide anatomical and morphometric data of the cranium and facies including a morphofunctional interpretation as a reference for clinical, ecomorphological and educational purposes. Five skulls were described, measured, scanned and digitally reconstructed. The presence of a caudal projection of the vomer bone, the absence of the facial tubercle and thin bones forming the cranial cavity were observed. Linear measurements allowed the skull to be classified as dolichocephalic, hyperlepten and ultra-dolichocranial. In conclusion, the Patagonian Huemul has a long head, an extremely long skull and a very narrow face. The thickness of the bones that made up the walls of the cranial cavity suggests chronic metabolic imbalances in response to mineral deficiency. The anatomical and morphometric data obtained in this study strongly emphasizes the relevance of considering the implementation of such management policies that aim at promoting an optimal nutritional context.

Cervos , Animais , Cervos/fisiologia , Crânio
Int. j. morphol ; 38(3): 747-754, June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098315


Currently, the Patagonian huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is endangered. Anatomical studies focused on understanding the anatomy of the deer most threatened by extinction in South America is a challenge for anatomists, veterinarians and biologists. Research carried out for its conservation has focused mainly on its ecology and pathology, leaving gaps in anatomical knowledge, which is basic and important for a comprehensive understanding of this species. Gross anatomy and radiography of the skeleton of the pelvic limb was performed in three adult Patagonian huemul. Bone specimens of three skeletally mature Patagonian huemul deer were used for gross osteological and radiographic studies. This study was conducted to reveal the morphometric and morphological features of the ossa membri pelvini of the Patagonian huemul. The main findings suggest the presence of powerful extensor muscles in the coxofemoral, femorotibial and tarsal joints, useful during walking, jogging and propulsion in deer. In general, the MNF of Patagonian huemul differ in position with respect to domestic ungulates. In addition, the presence of a notch or obturator canal was observed, with variability in morphology and development among the specimens.

Actualmente, el Huemul Patagónico (Hippocamelus bisulcus) está en peligro de extinción. Los estudios morfológicos centrados en comprender su anatomía han sido un desafío para morfólogos, veterinarios y biólogos. Investigaciones enfocadas en su conservación, se han centrado principalmente en su ecología, patología y en la descripción de sus principales agentes infecciosos, dejando vacíos en el conocimiento anatómico básico, y por ende, su comprensión morfofisiológica. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la anatomía, morfometría y radiología macroscópica normal y detallada del ossa membri pelvini en tres especímenes de Huemul Patagónico, incluida una interpretación funcional como referencia para uso clínico y conservacionista, investigación biomédica y fines de enseñanza. Los principales hallazgos sugieren la presencia de potentes músculos extensores en las articulaciones coxofemoral, femorotibial y tarsal, útiles durante la marcha, el trote y la propulsión en los ciervos. En general, los forámenes nutricios principales del Huemul patagónico difieren en posición con respecto a los ungulados domésticos. Además, se observó la presencia de una muesca o canal obturador, con variabilidad morfológica y de desarrollo entre los especímenes.

Animais , Ossos Pélvicos/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Pélvicos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cervos/anatomia & histologia , Chile , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Anat Histol Embryol ; 49(4): 494-501, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32202342


The aim of this study was to provide morphometric, anatomic and radiographic data of the thoracic limb bones of the Patagonian Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) including a functional interpretation of this, as a reference for clinical use, biomedical research and teaching purposes. Currently, the Patagonian huemul deer is in danger of becoming extinct due to multiple causes. Research carried out for its conservation has focused mainly on its ecology and pathology, leaving gaps in biological knowledge, which is basic and important for its comprehension. This study was conducted to reveal the gross osteology and radiology features of the thoracic limb bones of the Patagonian huemul deer. The osteological findings suggest the presence of powerful flexor muscles in the scapulohumeral and elbow joints, useful to cushion the jumps. Also, the principal nutrient foramen of Patagonian huemul differs in position with respect to domestic ungulates, which may be important to consider during surgical procedures. Finally, the radiographic data can provide new information about the tissue loading conditions in Patagonian huemul, so that this new knowledge can be of great importance for a better understanding of mechanically induced or adaptive changes in bone produced by habitat or other ecological phenomena.

Cervos/anatomia & histologia , Membro Anterior/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Ossos do Carpo/anatomia & histologia , Ossos do Carpo/diagnóstico por imagem , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Membro Anterior/diagnóstico por imagem , Úmero/anatomia & histologia , Úmero/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Ossos Metacarpais/anatomia & histologia , Ossos Metacarpais/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia/veterinária , Rádio (Anatomia)/anatomia & histologia , Rádio (Anatomia)/diagnóstico por imagem , Escápula/anatomia & histologia , Escápula/diagnóstico por imagem , Ulna/anatomia & histologia , Ulna/diagnóstico por imagem
Int. j. morphol ; 36(1): 221-225, Mar. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893214


RESUMEN: Este estudio describe la percepción de estudiantes de anatomía humana frente a la actividad de construcción de modelos tridimensionales (3-D) a escala de pelvis. Pocos estudios evalúan la percepción de los estudiantes frente a una actividad de enseñanza y aprendizaje con modelos 3-D. La actividad se aplicó a un curso de anatomía humana de la carrera de obstetricia y puericultura a los cuales se les entregó modelos de estructuras óseas de la zona pélvica a escala real para que incorporaran las estructuras anatómicas (ligamentos, músculos, vascularización e inervación), finalizando la actividad se les entregó un cuestionario de percepción. 60 estudiantes realizaron la actividad de construcción de modelo anatómico 3-D y además completaron el cuestionario. Se reportaron niveles mayores al 93 % de estudiantes que sintieron motivación, creen que fue un facilitador del aprendizaje y que la actividad fue bien planificada. Entre los aspectos negativos se registraron: el tiempo de trabajo y los costos involucrados. Dada la positiva percepción de los estudiantes frente a las actividades de construcción de modelos anatómicos, se considera que es una metodología adecuada dentro de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la anatomía humana.

SUMMARY: In this study, the perception of human anatomy students faced with constructing a three-dimensional (3-D) pelvis model (to scale) was studied. Few studies evaluate the perception of students facing learning and teaching methodologies with 3-D models. The activity was performed with students from a human anatomy course as part of the obstetrics degree, in which models of pelvic zone bone structures (to scale) were supplied in order to incorporate the anatomic structures (ligaments, muscles, vascularization and innervation). Once the activity was finished, a perception questionnaire was taken. 60 students participated in the activity of constructing the 3-D anatomical model and also completed the questionnaire. It was found that over 93 % of the students felt motivated, believed the activity facilitated learning and also that the activity was well planned. Some of the negative factors that were reported included time taken and the associated costs. Due to the positive perception of the students involved in the activity of constructing anatomical models, this is considered to be a suitable methodology for use during the process of teaching and learning about human anatomy.

Humanos , Anatomia/educação , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/métodos , Modelos Anatômicos , Pelve/anatomia & histologia , Estudantes de Medicina , Avaliação Educacional , Aprendizagem , Motivação , Obstetrícia/educação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ensino